Your Guide To Anxiety Management

You’ve probably heard about anxiety a number times, but what does it actually mean to experience it?

You’ve probably heard about anxiety a number times, but what does it actually mean to experience it? Anxiety is a common mental health problem that refers to being in a persistent state of heightened worry or dismay. In our ever-changing world, these feelings naturally arise for almost everyone, but to truly suffer from anxiety means that these emotions have a debilitating impact on your daily life. 

Now more than ever, it is vital we look within and discover the tools which best serve us in navigating these emotions as a collective. Not only will this allow us to truly thrive on our personal journeys, but it will also become the catalyst to stepping outside of our comfort zones as we reach our full potential without being held back by limiting beliefs or the fear of the unknown. 

In this article, we will take a deep dive into anxiety and provide insight around how to manage these symptoms so you may apply these in your day-to-day life and take your power back!

Symptoms of Anxiety


Knowledge is power! With this in mind, let’s first look at the most pertinent physical and mental symptoms that relate to anxiety. Take a personal inventory of everything you may experience and become mindful of when these (sometimes unexpected) symptoms may be triggered in your day-to-day life.

Anxiety Management


While many people with anxiety disorders require medical support and direction, lifestyle changes and coping strategies can make a profound difference to your mental and emotional fitness.

When you feel anxiety creeping in, we invite you to try the following strategies which have supported our community for over twenty years. 


Breathwork: When you’re anxious, your breathing becomes faster and shallower. Try to consciously slow down your breathing. Count to three as you breathe in slowly through your nose and into your abdomen– then count to three as you breathe out slowly. Our empowerment series is the home of mindful relaxation and breathing techniques designed to help you thrive at home, at work and in every area of your life.


Mindful Meditation: Staying in the present moment allows us to be aware of what is happening at this very moment. We are not distracted by ruminations on the past or concerns about the future, but centered in the “here and now”. Mindful meditation inspires you to focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and relaxation music to encourage your body and mind (which are always interconnected) to release stress. 


Physical Health: You are what you eat: Though many people relate this phrase to how they look, it is profoundly true with respect to how you feel. Keeping active and nurturing your body with nutritious wholesome foods is key to further reducing anxiety. Keeping active, eating well, spending quiet time in nature, surrounding yourself with your loved ones, and

partaking in activities you enjoy are all connected to improving your wellbeing and reducing the potential for anxiety. 

Self Talk & Self Compassion: Believe it or not, how you think and how you speak to yourself has a powerful effect on how you feel. When anxiety arises, ask yourself: am I speaking to myself the way I would a loved one, with love and compassion? Would I speak to a loved one this way? Have I done my very best in this situation? What can I can do to positively influence this situation? Anxiety has the capability to control our thoughts. It can make us overestimate the outcomes of situations and underestimate our ability to handle it. Try to imagine different interpretations to a situation that’s making you anxious, rather than jumping to the worst-case scenario. Look at the facts associated to your situation and examine what is really true. By taking a step back from the situation to observe, and truthfully understand if you are in a state of ‘catastrophizing, you’ll be able to separate from the unhealthy emotion attached to the situation and break free from angst.


Be Kind To Yourself: Of course, it’s always easier said than done and it can sometimes seem impossible to stop worrying, particularly if it feels as though life serves you with countless roadblocks and detours. You can proactively manage your stress by setting aside some time to address your worries. When you are experiencing anxiety, journaling is a tremendously healing exercise, even 10 minutes each evening to offload thoughts from your mind can help you deeply connect to yourself. Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to freely express yourself without judgment and remember that you are not your anxiety. You are not weak. You are not incapable. While you are navigating through this human experience, remember there is a part of you that is strong, brave and beautiful. 


Educate Yourself: Be open to learning and growing. Connect with others who have overcome anxiety and seek understanding from those who are well versed in positive psychology, science, meditation, clinical hypnotherapy or wellness mentoring. You’ll have more understanding, become more empowered, inspired and you’ll feel less alone.

Empowerment Series 

We warmly invite you to explore our ancient practices with a modern approach through our Empowerment Series. Step into your true power and develop your healthiest mind by immersing yourself in over 60+ Empowerment practices using meditation, mindfulness, positive psychology, subliminal strategies & more - available to you 24/7 from the comfort of your phone, tablet or computer. Not ready to commit? We have a 14 day trial for you to explore and also offer the empowerment mini series, completely FREE.